Do We Need a Parenting Plan/Parenting Agreement?

Do we need a Parenting Plan/Agreement?

Our Francine Bristo deals with this very pertinent question.

Parenting plans are really helpful unless there has been domestic abuse or concerns about your child’s safety.  A regular pattern of contact and a united front on arrangements makes children and you feel more secure.  You may have different ideas about what’s best for your children and this can make agreeing a parenting plan daunting, we at New Leaf are here to help support you through this.

A parenting agreement is a plan detailing how the day to day parenting of the children will be handled by the parties.  The plan involves both parents and in some cases, includes grandparents or a guardian.  Where children are old enough and it is appropriate, they too can be involved in the process enabling them to also have their voice heard.  The plan should reflect what is in the best interest