Could a Bird’s Nest Custody arrangement work for you?

When a couple divorce, traditionally the children have to split time between their parents’ houses, either for half or part of the week. Bird’s Nest arrangements are growing in popularity and can be a sensible and successful solution; the children remain in the family home, and it is the parents who do the moving.

It’s already quite popular in the States, and if you’ve regularly watched Billions or The Affair, then you’ll have seen it in action.

How does birds nesting work?

Quite simply, the children stay put.  One bedroom, one set of toys, one X Box.  When it is time, one parent moves out and the other parent moves in. This can be the original family home, or a parent’s new home, depending on the settlement.

The living arrangements can work in several ways.  Often, the children remain in the family home, and then each parent either has their own smaller property, or