Why more and more people are saying ‘Facebook ruined my marriage’


In the past five years, we have seen a remarkable increase in the number of instances in which Facebook, and other social media sites such as WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram, have been cited in divorce proceedings.

The fact is that use of social media is now such a large part of many of our lives that when a relationship is in trouble, online activity frequently becomes a bone of contention. One aspect of using social media which causes tension is keeping in contact with ex-partners.

There has also been a raft of recent research commissioned that has revealed some startling statistics. One particular survey of 2,000 married UK residents brought to light the following;

* 15% of those questioned believed that social media posed a danger to their marriage

* around 25% said they argued with their partner at least once a week because of social media use

* for 17%, such arguments were a